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Interview with Petr Fulin for 5+2 dny magazine


A long pause between the first and second ETCC round Petr Fulin fills not only with the careful preparation and dedication to work obligations, but also things more relaxing. Journalist Veronika Kratka interviewed Petr for readers of 5 +2 days magazine. Part of this interview we bring to you now...

This is your first ETCC season? Could you introduce the car and the team that stands behind you? How long time it takes to get familiar with a new car? What is the difference to the car which you raced last season?

ETCC is a top European Cup, which is actually the last step before the World Touring Car Championship. It even goes with a similar cars and at the same weekend as the WTCC. We purchased the BMW 320si and begin to get used to. Guys completely disassembled the car and then again put the parts together nicely. Seat is incomparable technique. BMW is a car that drove in WTCC, a car that was made by ​​the BMW Motorsport, so everything from telemetry to the rear wheels drive is significantly different from SEAT and we appreciate we are the team which can work with such a technique.
You made a debut in ETCC in March, but your premiere performance obviously did not go entirely according to your wishes. Can you summarize your results and impressions from the Monza in a few words?
In Monza we had a debut with a new car and ETCC as well. I wanted to humbly learn, work hard and conceptually move from race to race. But we arrived to Monza and in the practice sessions we clocked first, second fastest times. Then we were second in the qualifying. Our main opponent drove the SEAT Leon TDI and it is a technique that previously rules WTCC. We knew that second place is actually the best we could achieve. However, after the euphoria that dominated the team from Thursday to Sunday morning, came a cold shower. DSQ in a race 1 a DNS in a race 2. This was clearly my fault. I started out of formation and got a penalty. Disqualification came after the disrespect that. I have to say it was a schoolboy error that is inexcusable. We beat the competitors, great result was on the way and then it all disappeared, not by accident or a technical problem but your own fault...


What awaits you this season, is there a race for which is especially looking forward and vice versa, which you are concerned about?
There will be second ETCC round in late April. It is almost a home race, is going to Slovakiaring, which lies about 30 km from Bratislava. With no doubt it will be the most important race of the season. The reasons for gradually increasing. First of all I have to correct the mistake from Monza and collect as most points as possible. And then of course it's the weekend, where we expect a strong visit of fans and sponsors. Everything must go well. A concern? The real driver has no concerns. On the contrary, I look forward to every race, because I enjoy working with the team. The new track is always a challenge. You need to find a combination of about 30 things so that the car did everything as you want. And it is not easy and it is more a challenge.
TV viewers can know you as a TV co-comentator as well. What is harder job for you - comment the races in the studio or drive a racing car? How your collaboration with Czech TV began and when we can hear you again?
These two things I especially enjoy. I do not think about it in way something would be difficult for me . Of course, I prepare for both which for some could be hard, but I really enjoy and love doing it. Cooperation began very simply. The commentator feels always better when he has next to him a driver who is able to better analyze conflict situations etc. It is the same as in ice hockey. Commentator takes a former player or coach and then the viewer has a more informed interpretation and perhaps even better experience. And when I will be in the studio again? The plan is if I will have a time, I will comment all the WTCC races that Czech TV will broadcast this year.

Interview 5+2 dny

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